Posts Tagged ‘decorations’

With Christmas over and the New Year approaching I thought I’d take a minute to thank Santa for his generosity.  I was lucky enough to get quite a few new metalworking toys amongst the goodies in my Stocking, thank you to all of my family for my steel rules, framing square, hole punches, tin snips, windscreen tool and book; The Home Workshop (Odhams Press 1948). Which will prove invaluable should I need to identify and replace a faulty valve in a wireless set!  I can’t wait to watch the Ron Covell DVD’s.  Strangely Jules doesn’t share my enthusiasm here?

Unfortunately Santa also brought me crippling back pain, so I haven’t had much chance to try any of them out but I did endure long enough to make Jules a gift in lieu of a Christmas card.  I got the opportunity to try out my new Midwest tin snips.  My 25 year old ProSnip’s (I think these are now sold as Irwin) are showing some signs of wear, so they will now be used for roughing out and the shiny new Midwest’s will be used only for precision trimming.  I also had a play with TIG brazing.  I got to fiddle with different power and gas options, try different techniques and generally got a better understanding of how the filler flows.  All useful stuff for real world situations in the future.

Merry Christmas

The decoration is made from scrap offcuts and based on the vintage theme gift tags we use on our presents.  Each one is 80x45mm and hung from a piece of picture wire.  The brass rod it is hung from is the only thing I had to buy.  I think Jules is pleased with it but I’ll know for sure if she hangs it up again next year…

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!