Posts Tagged ‘MOT’

I’ve been AWOL for a few weeks now for various reasons; work commitments, family commitments, appalling weather and illness resulting from a self inflicted injury sustained whilst kart racing on a stag do! Will I ever learn?

Things are beginning to return to normal, with glorious weather at the weekend my nephew brought his wife’s Honda CRV Diesel round for a service.  Using one of his “Free Service Coupons” as he puts it, cheeky bugger!  Not content with that he returned later with his Vivaro van.  Getting through those coupons at quite a rate Winking smile.

The van was an outstanding job from a few weeks back when the weather was rather inclement.  I spent a day in the pouring rain freeing off seized brake callipers but it was clear whilst I effected a temporary repair, that a refurb was necessary.

Service Kits GaloreCallipers tend to be sold as service exchange these days. Even my long standing and trusted local factors Allwoods Automotive are reluctant to chase a service kit any more.  Fortunately there is a good online supplier, BrakeParts International who still seem to be able to get a good selection of parts.  So I ordered a pair of seal kits and a piston for the Van.  While I was paying for shipping I figured I’d get a couple of sets for my fleet at the same time.

We stripped the ailing callipers and found that on the whole they weren’t in bad shape.  The problem was caused by rough treatment in the past, with the dust seals being shredded, probably while squeezing the pistons back.  Following a clean-up the new parts were duly fitted and everything slipped back together a treat.

At a later date I’ll document the refurbishment of the callipers on the Spider and Integrale.  Watch this space if you are interested…